To be the go-to postgraduate Alumni Group for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
The SMU Innovators’ objectives are:
- Build and maintain a strong cohesive identity across all cohorts of SMU MI students/ graduates
- To help members be more successful in their profession
- To provide a forum wherein the members can discuss issues of professional challenges and successes
- Connect and foster personal and professional interactions amongst students, alumni, and the community
- To provide a network through which its members can learn and share opportunities and industry practices in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Strengthen the value and brand name of the SMU MI degree locally and globally
We are our best advocates.
- To provide the opportunity for its members to collaborate in providing resources and solutions in the field of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Value-add the Singapore Management University stakeholders and serve the Innovation & Entrepreneurship community in Singapore and the Asian region/ beyond
- To raise the awareness of the wider community about Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The SMU Innovators will endeavor to organise 2-3 activities per academic year, which will best benefit members of the Group. Some of the activities may include:
1. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The objective of the AGM is to introduce the (new) committee and plans for the coming year for the MIAS and to induct the graduating batch of MI students into the MIAS.
2. “Thought Leader Night” (Seminar featuring Innovation/ Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders)
To discover new insights in the realm of innovation and entrepreneurship from industry experts.
3. “Talk-Shop” (Industry Talks)
To establish practical connections for alumni and to learn from industry professionals.
4. “Alum-Night” (Alumni Sharing Seminars/Talk)
Alumni members or guest speakers could be invited to be part of a panel/lecture to provide talks to members interested in their chosen field/topic.
5. “Social Night” (MIAS Networking/Social events)
Networking/ social event.
6. Collaborative Events
Collaborative events with other groups.