There is an increasing number of SMU alumni working within the various segments of the alternative investment industry in Singapore. The alternative investment includes products other than traditional stocks and bonds, which include real estate, commodities, and private equity (venture capital). These individuals may come from a variety of backgrounds (fund management, commercial/corporate bank, developer, consultancy firms, commodity buyer/trader, and investment brokerage) and various field of work (research, banking, advisory, traders, leasing, asset/property manager and fund manager).
The primary intention is to form a dedicated group to promote the interest of SMU alumni (working within the alternative investment industry) by establishing a platform that facilitates professional networking and allows for an exchange of industry-related information and knowledge.
The secondary goal of the group would be to connect, interact and encourage SMU students interested in the field of alternative investment as a career profession.
Networking Opportunities: Provide a platform for professional networking among fellow SMU alumni within the Alternative Investment industry. The group will also serve as a place to build friendships and contacts.
Knowledge and Information Exchange: As the group will consist of professionals from various backgrounds and functions within the alternative investment sector, this facilitates and promotes knowledge and information exchange between SMU alumni, be it research-related, industry-specific knowledge, business, and to a larger extent, career opportunities.
Future potential to work with Industry Related Associations: The group will serve as the main liaison point connecting the SMU alumni and other similar groups externally such as Urban Land Institute (ULI) Young Leaders Group, Asia Pacific Real Estate Association (APREA), Asian Association for Investors in non-listed real estate vehicles (ANREV), NUS Real Estate Alumni, CFA Institute, and CAIA members.
Facebook Group: SMU Real Estate & Alternative Investments Alumni (
Melvin Chay (BSc Econ 2011)