The SMU Women Soccer (SMUWS) Alumni Group was launched on 17 March 2018 with the aim of promoting a sporting culture amongst women and to nurture passionate female footballers. Its objectives include:
- To give SMUWS members an avenue to continue to play football competitively after graduation
- To give current SMUWS members a chance to play for SMU at a more competitive level together with seniors
- To allow SMUWS alumni to continue to foster relations with their juniors through mentorship and support at tournaments
- To allow SMUWS members to learn from graduated seniors through combined training sessions and friendly matches
- To provide a platform for alumni to keep in contact with each other and to meet with fellow SMUWS members from different batches through interest group events
Facebook Group: SMU Women Soccer Alumni Group / SMU Diva La Futbol
Lynette Seow (BBM 2015)