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Deddy Setiadi

Deddy Setiadi

Deddy Setiadi graduated from SMU in 2015 with a double degree in Business Management and Economics. Drawing inspiration from his personal experiences and driven by his passion for teaching and sharing knowledge, Deddy co-founded Kodecoon Academy, a coding school dedicated to advancing digital literacy amongst young students in Singapore.

Tell us more about yourself and what inspired you to co-found Kodecoon Academy.

Born in Indonesia, I relocated to Singapore at the age of eleven. My initial experience with teaching happened when I was in Secondary 3. Back then, I had wanted to earn extra pocket money. I started giving tuition and through it, found my passion for teaching and sharing knowledge. In all honesty, Kodecoon Academy wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for my time at SMU and the cross-faculty curriculum which first exposed me to programming. Through this experience, I not only discovered my passion for coding but also saw firsthand the endless possibilities that it can unlock.

The idea for Kodecoon Academy was born out of a conversation I had with a friend who had just returned from an overseas internship in Hong Kong. He shared with me his involvement in a Corporate Social Responsibility project where he taught programming to young children. This conversation piqued my interest and led me to wonder why there were limited opportunities for young children in Singapore to learn programming, especially given the country's aspirations to be a Smart Nation. It was then that I realised the need for a platform like Kodecoon Academy to help fill this gap and provide a fun and engaging way for young children in Singapore to learn programming. 

What distinguishes Kodecoon Academy from other coding academies or bootcamps?

Kodecoon Academy is not just another coding school. Our unique S.P.E.A.R pedagogy is designed to foster future-ready mindsets in our students. At the core of our pedagogy are values such as Self-Directed Learning, Perseverance not Perfection, Embrace Questioning, Attitude over Intelligence, and Real-World Application.

We attract students who appreciate and value these principles and recognise the importance of developing digital literacy beyond just coding. While we believe that coding is a crucial skill for the future, we also understand that not everyone will become a programmer. Instead, we aim to instill in our students a level of comfort with technology and encourage them to see the practical application of coding in their lives. 

How has your education in SMU influenced your work at Kodecoon Academy? 

Studying at SMU has provided me with a valuable global perspective, which I now seek to impart to capable students at Kodecoon Academy through international experiences and competitions. We are incredibly proud of our students' achievements on the global stage. Furthermore, my time at SMU has taught me the importance of presenting ideas with confidence, a value that we aim to instill in all our Kodecoon Academy students.

We believe that effective communication is essential for success in today's world, and we strive to develop this skill in our students, along with their digital literacy and computational thinking abilities.

What challenges did you face running Kodecoon Academy and how did you overcome them?

Running my own school has presented numerous challenges, but one of the most significant obstacles I faced was managing people and leading a team effectively. To overcome this challenge, I first identified my own leadership style and communicated it to my team. I lead by example and ensure that everyone understands our shared goals and vision. Additionally, I realised the importance of human resources in running a successful company, and I have since taken steps to build a strong team culture and develop effective HR policies.

When faced with the challenge of rising competitors, I chose to focus on our unique strengths and values rather than external pressures. I ask myself how I would future-proof my own children, and this mindset has driven us to continue providing high-quality education that prepares students for the rapidly changing technological landscape.

Share a success story or memorable moment from your work at Kodecoon Academy

One of the most memorable moments in my work at Kodecoon Academy was publishing my book, 'The A Student's Cheat Sheet - 10 Transformation Mindsets to Maximise Your Potential in Studies and Life.' As a founder, I wanted to leave behind something meaningful for my future children and students beyond just programming skills.

This book encapsulates my insights and advice on developing transformation mindsets that are essential in navigating the ever-changing world. It has been a rewarding experience to share this with others and witness their growth and development. 

What are your future plans for Kodecoon Academy?

Looking towards the future, our goal at Kodecoon Academy is to continue expanding our reach and impact in the region. We are in the process of expanding within Singapore and have recently begun expanding to Indonesia, with the mission of identifying and nurturing talented individuals who are ready for quality tech education with global exposure. Ultimately, we aim to establish ourselves in seven countries around the region, raising the tide and building the future generation of tech leaders. Our commitment to providing innovative and high-quality education that prepares students for the future remains at the forefront of our plans for growth.