SMU alumna Farah Malik shared about the many who have reached out to lend a hand through the course of her educational journey. While applying for internships as a SMU student, she turned to mentors who gave her tips on how to write effective e-mails and dress smartly for interviews. All these experiences made her resolve to give back as soon as she could. In 2014, while doing a Bachelor of Social Science in psychology and marketing course at SMU, she and her brother, Faris Malik, a digital marketing trainer, launched Sky High Educators. The social enterprise taps undergraduate tutors to help primary-to tertiary-level students access more affordable tuition. Funded by a grant from a donor organisation which prefers to remain anonymous, the social enterprise launched free online tuition for students with financial difficulties last month.
The Sunday Times, pC2 (Aug 2)
The Straits Times Online (Aug 2)