An evening of buzz into the local real estate investment climate charged up the University Lounge on 8th June 2017. The room was illuminated with constructive thoughts and ideas, with participants bringing along with them, both positive energies and a thinking cap to exchange wisdoms with their fellow alumnus.
The event was a partnership between the SMU Office of Alumni Relations and the SMU’s very own Real Estate & Alternative Investments Alumni Group. The night of Thought-Leadership discussions, was led by Alice Tan, Director and Head of Research & Consultancy, Knight Frank Singapore.
Alice’s sharing of insights on the endogenous real estate market, spanning across residential, commercial, industrial and retail sectors as of real-time, were both thought-invoking and current. This gave the participants the opportunity to reflect upon their own industries’ interests and investments speculations, and evaluate if their analyses were on par with actual market sentiments and responses.
Alice went on further to discuss issues on how the latest geopolitical climate, macro-economic factors (such as the Belt Road Initiatives & The Interest Rate Hike by the FED) as well as local government agencies pegged with their policies, will affect the real estate market of their development, investments and most importantly price points, both for the consumers and business builders.
Timothy Gan (BSosc 2010) from Standard Chartered Bank shared, “It was an insightful evening, getting to understand how our speculations in the bank, were on and off par with the actual empirical and clinical studies in the real estate market from experts like Alice and her team. Her discussion and inputs certainly value-adds in our consultation to our clients in enterprise banking, especially where their property assets and desired acquisitions are of concern.”
A night of in-depth knowledge exchanges by alumnus from a myriad of business domains, certainly hyped up the evening in a casual and fun social setting – an aim SMU’s Real Estate & Alternative Investments Alumni Group certainly reels in to continually achieve!
- contributed by Jackson Tan, (BScEcons 2010)
VIew the Alumni Facebook album for more photos from the event.