On 8th December, the SMU-KPMG Alumni Meet was held at the KPMG Clubhouse along Robinson Road where a group of 15 SMU alumni and staff cozily networked over food and drinks.
Adeline Bek, Associate Director of SMU’s Office of Alumni Relations, shared on SMU’s initiatives for the alumni community at large. The meet up provided an opportunity for SMU Alumni working in KPMG to form new friendships with colleagues, providing for an interesting sharing of ideas and experiences.
The idea of a SMU-KPMG Alumni Group was broached and mooted. Alumni who are keen to contribute to the cause should contact the following SMU-KPMG representatives: Eugene Yeung (BAcc, 2005) from Audit E&T, Lee Jingyi (BAcc, 2005) from Tax, or Arjun Kochhar (BSc (ISM), 2003) from Advisory.